Are Biotin and Collagen the key to reaching your hair and skin goals?

Have you taken supplements or topicals aiming to increase hair health or skin appearance? We are debunking common ‘one size fits all’ myths, starting with trends that may (or may not) be leading you to your goals.

Biotin and Collagen For Hair Growth - True or False?

These beauty buzzwords have seen a vast increase in recent years both in prevalence and popularity, with the aim of improved strength and vitality of hair, skin and nails. Chances are you have seen them available as supplements, powders or topicals - but are they effective? More importantly, are they the key to reaching your beauty and wellness goals? Keep reading to see what they do, when they are most effective, and why the key to fortified hair and skin might not be what you think it is.


Breaking Down Biotin & Collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is a fibrous protein found in connective tissue such as tendons, muscles, ligaments, and bones. It is also in your vertebral discs, teeth, corneas, gut, and blood vessels. As we age, our body produces less collagen, which can in turn result in depleted skin elasticity, which then affects scalp health and can deplete hair strength. Collagen peptides added to your diet may serve to replace what your body begins to lack as you age, and support your overall health. Increasing intake can increase the thickness of your hair and nails.

Biotin (also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H) is a water-soluble vitamin, and can also be found in many foods such as eggs, organ meats, nuts, etc. Biotin primarily supports hair health by breaking down macronutrients in the body for cell renewal and growth. Biotin deficiency is rare, however, If you don’t have enough biotin, you may have skin rashes, hair loss, and fragile nails. While Biotin research is limited, there is evidence which supports that if deficient, biotin supplementation can help prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair.

Nutritional Band-Aid

Both of these can help with preventing breakage, thickening of hair and overall healthier hair growth. Are these the solution to hair loss? No. While supplementation is important if deficient, getting to the root cause of your hair loss is of utmost importance, otherwise we are just putting a big Nutritional Band-Aid on this issue to prolong the inevitable loss that will occur. Consulting with a hair loss specialist will help you come up with a well-rounded plan of action that combines nutritional support along with therapies geared at preventing further loss and getting you your healthiest hair.


Optimize Immunity Report - Discover your own specific vitamin deficiencies, environmental interferences, up to 400 food intolerances, gut and cardiovascular health, and much more, all with a comprehensive consultation with our in-house CNC nutritionist who specializes in epigenetic testing.

Complimentary Consultations - Speak 1:1 with our hair loss experts to discover the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Gain insight into regimens that will improve and in many cases reverse areas of loss, as well as a custom program for your goals.

Wellness Within Package - Take your internal wellbeing to new heights with the NHLMA Wellness Within Package by tracking your body’s response to nutritional and supplemental protocol by our CNC Nutritionist.


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