What You Should Know About Postpartum Hair Loss


Have you gone from healthy, thick hair during pregnancy to massive amounts of shedding and increased thinning areas after birth? Read on to learn more about what is happening, and how you can restore hair velocity and confidence.


What is Postpartum Hair Loss?

On any given day, we typically shed 50-100 hairs. During pregnancy, however, due to rising estrogen levels, the natural hair cycle is slowed down. The result? Less shedding during pregnancy, leading to thicker, fuller, and stronger hair.

Once your hormones return to normal after pregnancy, there's a drop in estrogen, which causes hair shedding to resume. But keep in mind: You've stopped shedding for several months, so the hair that's been sticking to your head needs to come out. At this time, it is common to experience temporary, but significant shedding. Many wonder- will my hair eventually grow back?

How long will this hair loss last?

The usual duration for this type of loss can be anywhere from 3-6 months before the hair starts growing back. It is normal to lose around 50-100 hairs per day, so once hair shedding has returned to this amount, the hair cycle has returned to a typical range and indicates that the period of shock shedding is over.

What can I do?

While an average of 40-50% of women experience postpartum hair loss, you may still be left wondering if your shedding is normal, or if something else is an underlying factor. At NHL, we do in person and virtual complimentary consultations for new mothers seeking answers and solutions. It is important to see a trained professional who can help determine if there are further underlying issues like deficiencies or genetic hair thinning that may cause a slower rebound after this type of hair loss.  Addressing this type of loss sooner than later helps us to get you on a faster road to hair recovery. Depending on your specific case determined by a hair loss expert, customized protocol can help combat the loss and stimulate growth.


  • Growth Factors & Derma Roller: Combine the right tools to get the most benefits. With NHLMA custom stimulating derma-roller and Compounded Growth Factor Serum, receive an at-home boosting treatment with medical grade components.

  • Follicular Analysis: See what you are lacking internally to get hair to grow faster, and to optimize your internal wellbeing for long lasting results.

  • Minoxidil + Niacinamide RX: Minoxidil is widely used for the treatment of hair loss in topical form. A blend of custom-formulated Minoxidil and Niacinamide addresses male and female genetic hair loss, while providing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The strength of NHLMA’s topicals mean you don’t have to be restrained by off-the-shelf products.

  • Medical Grade Laser Therapy: This form of treatment uses a laser cap to stimulate hair growth, stabilize loss, and slow damage to hair follicles.

Want more information on how to specifically treat your increased shedding? Fill in the blanks with a 1:1 complimentary consultation with hair loss experts. Receive customized hair care recommended protocol, education, and 3D hair density scan.

Or Call 602-283-2355


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