Could My Hair Stylist Be Causing My Hair Loss?

Thinning hair is rightly at the top of mind for many clients while in the salon. Nearly 80% of men and over 50% of women experience hair loss at some point in their lives. At the first sign of shedding, breakage or noticeable thinning, many look to the ones they trust with their hair the most: their stylist. Are the handlers of hair image contributing to hair loss? The short answer is no, most likely it’s not your stylist causing your hair loss. NHLMA is breaking down common myths around hair loss, what actually causes it, and what we suggest for anyone experiencing hair loss.

Common Myths Debunked

Has a stylist ever changed color or treatment brands, leaving you feeling thinner? Or has bleaching or products left you wondering if it is causing hair loss? Increasing concerns over having dry brittle hair and breakage is something we hear often in our consultations. These, and many others, are common myths surrounding hair loss. The truth is that over treated hair, changing color or treatment brands, or even styling techniques are not the cause of hair loss. While certain methods or products can lead to breakage, hair loss itself can not be caused by these things. What, then, actually causes hair loss?


Hair Loss Causes

The varying causes of hair loss include:

  • Genetics

  • Postpartum, Covid, extreme weight loss

  • Hormones

  • Autoimmune disorders

The root cause of hair loss often dictates the type of hair loss that occurs. For example, a change in overall health and wellness or a medical change can result in a vast increase in hair shedding and overall thinning, while genetic hair loss can result in a hairline recession or part widening. Most important to customizing a hair loss protocol is accurately determining the cause of hair loss, which can vary greatly from person to person.


One form of hair loss that can be prevented by a stylist with proper technique and scalp strengthening treatments is Traction Alopecia. This type of hair loss can be caused by constant traction on hair follicles. Extensions may not be appropriate for all types of hair, especially for those already experiencing alopecia. Speak to your stylist or an NHLMA hair loss expert if you experience redness, itching, and dander on the scalp. Other symptoms of hair loss by extensions could be bald patches or diffuse hair on the sides where extensions are placed, patches of broken hair in places where the hair has been under strain, or extensions sliding out of placement.


Strengthen the hair follicles and increase nutrient flow to the root to prevent hair loss and stabilize your hair with custom prescription treatments.

RX Topical Prescription - NHLMA formulation is composed of a potent concentration of active ingredients, surpassing what is available through commercial brands. This topical can help ignite the dormant follicles to grow, and promote more hairs into the growing phase.

Biotin Injections - Taking biotin in high doses intravenously can improve the health of your hair. It can help to thicken your hair and stimulate hair growth.

Complimentary Consultations - Get a complimentary set of microscopic photos to see the health of your scalp, and see which product and formulation of Rosemary Oil would be best for you.


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